Friday, July 21, 2006

The legend of the white sink

Once upon a time, there was a sink. A beautiful sink, the envy of the land. One day, a bright, funny, energetic, non-mom bought this sink to call her own. It was a wonderful sink. It had two quite large basins, was majestic and perfect in every way. It's new owner even bought it a gorgeous faucet to match the beauty of the sink. They were the perfect pair. The sink was a great friend to his new owner. It held all the dishes, looked pretty when it was empty, and shined all the time! What the sink didn't know was that three gorgeous kids were coming home to add to the beauty of the house. The poor sink begged, pleaded with it's owner, "Please don't let them near me!" But she didn't listen. Now the poor sink, the hero of our story and at one time the bright star of the kitchen, is just not white or shiny any more. Sinky is now turning a strange shade of brown (when you can see the bottom of it.) It also has silver lines on it revealing the exact places where the kids have scraped their dishes into the sink. It needs a good scrubbing with comet if the lady wants it to shine at all, but where, oh where, is there time for that?
Poor poor sinky. If only it's proud owner had bought it in another color. It's beauty might still be shining. But, alas, the beauty of the sink is no more. Never shiny, never proud, never empty. *sigh*


Gwen said...

I had to laugh when I read this post! You are so funny! Mostly laughing because I know all about this issue! With 3 kids it is very hard to keep a sink looking it's best!!!! I love the way you wrote this story! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

When we installed a non-white shiny sink our hopes were high that it would stay that way, at least a while. But, as reality would have it, we live in our house, and shiny sink has lost it's charm--oh, but what it has gained in chips and scratches. Our sink is like the Statue of Liberty-it has welcomed the tired, the poor the wretched masses yearning to be free. What is really nice is that those who come into my home don't judge me on how my sink looks, and I'm learning to let it go--people are far more important than things. Loved your story..keep it for your children.